
St Nicholas Church of England

Infants' School

Becoming The Best We Can Be

Who will be my child's teacher?


When will I find out who my child’s teacher will be?

We will send you a letter and photo so that you know exactly who they are. You will find this out before the Summer Holidays start. Details of our transition events will be sent to you with the school enrolment forms.  


When can I meet my child’s teacher?

During the first few weeks of the Autumn term there will be an opportunity to attend a ‘Meet and Greet’ session with their teacher.


How can I let you know about my child?

Included with your child's enrolment pack is an ‘All About Me’ form. It is important that this is filled in as we use it to allocate children to classes and to put into place any support your child may need with their transition to St Nicholas. 
