
St Nicholas Church of England

Infants' School

Becoming The Best We Can Be


We welcome enquiries from parents/carers of children aged 3-7.  We would be delighted to show you around our school in order to help you choose the school that is right for your child.  Please contact the school office on 01491 836408 or email to arrange a visit and meet the Headteacher.

Catchment Area

Our Local Governing Body is the admission authority for all school applications and Oxfordshire County Council co-ordinates all main round and in-year applications.


All main round and in-year applications must be made directly to Oxfordshire County Council at where you will find details of the application process.


The school is currently able to take up to 60 children in each of the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 cohorts. 

New School Development - September 2026

Please follow the link below for further information. 




Admission to our Nursery Class


We also have a nursery class (called Mallards) here on site. Mallard class is led by a fully qualified teacher which gives children a great start to their journey in education. Our morning sessions run Monday to Friday, from 08.30 - 11.30 and the afternoon sessions from 12.00 - 15.00.  A lunch club is available from 11.30 - 12.00 for which there is a charge. Children are able to start the term after their third birthday.


Please contact the school office on 01491 836408 or email to request an application form.  



Application deadline

School to issue offer letters by


1st May

May half term holiday


1st October

October half term holiday


21st January

February half term holiday


Please note that the process of applying for a place in our nursery class is separate to that of applying for a place in school for the Reception year.



Where does my child go after they've been to St Nicholas?


Here at St Nicholas we offer schooling for Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils. This means that at the end of Key Stage 1 children will need to transfer to a new school for Key Stage 2. Parents can choose where to send their child, but nearly all of our children transfer to Fir Tree Junior School. You will need to apply for a place via the local authority, but there has never been a case where a child doesn't get a place. We are the only school feeding into Fir Tree.


You can find out more about it by following the link below and if you would like to look around, Mr Knight is always happy to welcome prospective parents. It's a wonderful school offering a fantastic next step for the children of St Nicholas. Although we are two completely separate schools, we work very closely to support the children through the transition process. This includes visits to Fir Tree, pupils from Fir Tree visiting us, joint adventures and visits from Fir Tree staff to get to know the children. Either school would be happy to discuss transition arrangements.
