
St Nicholas Church of England

Infants' School

Becoming The Best We Can Be




Mallards is a long established Nursery Class led by an experienced, fully qualified teacher. Mrs Taylor has extensive teaching experience and a real passion for teaching in the early years!


We have 42 places available with a maximum of 21 children in any single session. 


We offer the universal entitlement of 15 hours and we also offer the extended entitlement of 30 hours for those who qualify and subject to availability. Additional sessions can be requested at a charge of £18 per session.


The morning session runs from 08.30 am to 11.30 am and the afternoon session from 12.00 to 3.00 pm.  We offer a lunch session from 11.30 to 12.00 which is charged at £3 per day. 


Please contact the school office on 01491 836408 or email to request a registration form, or download one - see below.   Our Nursery Admissions Policy can also be found below.  This includes details of how nursery places are allocated when more applications are received than there are places available.



Application deadline

School to issue offer letters by


1st  May

May half term holiday


1st October

October half term holiday


21st  January

February half term holiday


Please note that the process of applying for a place in our nursery class is separate to that of applying for a place in school for the Reception year.

Further useful information: