
St Nicholas Church of England

Infants' School

Becoming The Best We Can Be

Poem of the Week

Poem of the Week


Each week we have an 'Poem of the Week' across each year group


We use rhymes, poems and songs to build language and pleasure in reading. This is also an opportunity to build shared memories for all children regardless of prior experience. 


We start by using 'call and response' to allow children to join in gradually. Each time they repeat a poem, song or rhyme this strengthens their vocabulary, embedding new words. learning poems helps them to pick up rhythm and gain awareness and control of their voices.


Some poems and songs in our progression across the school also heighten children's awareness of individuals sounds within words through alliteration, assonance and rhyme. For instance, because rhymes share the same send sound, they alert children to the contrast of the phonemes at the start of each word as well as the repeated phonemes at the end, as in 'dock'/'clock' and 'Incy'/'Wincy'.


The poem of the week will be shared on ClassDojo so you can share it at home.


If you would like to learn more poems we recommend these books:
