Becoming The Best We Can Be
As part of our continuous journey towards becoming the best we can be, the school has a “School Improvement Plan”. This is a live document that is constantly updated, and the priorities are set at the start of each academic year with reference to our own Self-Evaluation cycle (which includes internal and external moderation of pupil progress and attainment, internal and external assessment of quality of teaching and learning, pupil performance in national assessments, and other criteria). The Plan is produced collaboratively by the school leadership and governing body. The governing body monitors the school’s performance against the Improvement Plan, and we support and challenge the senior leaders in equal measure to deliver that continuous improvement.
The governing body monitors progress through reviewing data on pupil progress & attainment and quality of teaching, most of which is delegated to our Teaching, Learning & Ethos sub-committee. Individual governors are allocated a particular area of the School Improvement Plan so that they can focus on it when they attend school for regular monitoring visits to observe first-hand our progress against our Improvement criteria.