
St Nicholas Church of England

Infants' School

Becoming The Best We Can Be


Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The Governors and staff of St. Nicholas C.E. Infants’ School recognise that all children have a right to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. We aim to create a happy, educationally exciting and positive environment in which all pupils can develop to their full potential and become confident, independent individuals.


We aim to:

  • ensure that our curriculum is responsive to all children whatever their individual need.
  • promote positive attitudes and individual confidence, ensuring all children experience success.
  • identify, assess, record and regularly review pupils’ special educational needs.
  • encourage parents/guardians to be involved in planning and supporting at all stages of their child’s development.
  • make effective use of support services.

Information and Guidance


Who should I contact to discuss the concerns or needs of my child?

St Nicholas CE Infants' School is committed to working in partnership with parents and will listen to any concerns parents may wish to raise. Please contact the school to arrange a meeting. 

  • Class Teacher- is the first point of contact. They monitor the progress of each child and liaise with key staff about interventions needed.
  • SENCO- Mrs Grace Challans
  • Headteacher- Miss Amy King


In addition, parents and carers can contact SENDIASS (who will be able to provide you with advice and support. 

Use the link below or telephone 01865 810516 (term–time only).


Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Grace Challans. You can contact her via the school office on 01491 836408 or email

The Local Offer

The Oxfordshire County Council Local Offer for Children with SEN and disabilities 

Please follow the link here to access the local offer:

SEND Policy Overview

SEND Information Report
