Becoming The Best We Can Be
We like to go outside even though it is sometimes wet and muddy. It would be really useful to have a named waterproof jacket in school every day. On hot days, sun cream and a hat are a good idea.
We do dance, gymnastics and games throughout the year. Named PE kits* need to come to school on a Monday and will be sent home on a Friday for washing. Children should not be wearing jewellery to school. * You do not need to provide P.E. footwear until notified by Reception Staff.
You can your child has a free school dinner, there are lots of nice things to choose from. If they bring a packed lunch it needs to be in a proper lunch box or bag with your name on it. We have fruit and milk every morning. We usually have apples, satsumas, bananas or carrots. Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle with water in to drink during the day.
Children will get a library book to share at home and a school reading book when you are ready. They will need a book bag to put these in. They need to bring their named book bag with them to school every day. Top Tip: attach a coloured ribbon or key chain to your child's book bag so they can find it easily in the book bag box (The book bag does not need to be green)