
St Nicholas Church of England

Infants' School

Becoming The Best We Can Be

Recommended Books

This story teaches children how to use progressive muscle

relaxation and breathing techniques to calm down, lower stress and control anger. Children relate to the angry octopus in this story as the

sea child shows him how to take a deep breath,

calm down and manage his anger. These effective stress and anger management techniques for children focus

awareness in various muscle groups to create a

resting of mind and body.

This book helps children understand that can

learn to be in control of their emotions and focuses on ownership of emotions and taking control of the situation.

Author: Lori Lite

Illustrator: Max Stasuyk


This book uses cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) at it's core to help children understand their angry feelings and make the

necessary changes to regulate their emotions.

This book leads the child through the different stages

of anger, such as the triggers (someone being mean to him,) the physical effects of anger (breathing heavily, heart racing)

and Rory's thoughts (break something, hit him.) 

Rory meets Yasmine Yellow who helps him by suggesting different calming techniques.

The language is simple and easy to understand and was written by a former ELSA, who is now training to become a teacher.

Author: Luke Baker.

