
St Nicholas Church of England

Infants' School

Becoming The Best We Can Be


Welcome from the Local Governing Body

Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust (ODST) delegates responsibility for the strategic management of its schools to each Local Governing Body.


We are committed to ensuring that St Nicholas provides everyone here, children and adults alike, with an environment where they can become the best they can be.


The level of dedication and commitment shown by the school leadership team, the teaching and support staff, and the children is amazing. We are privileged to be able to come into school and see first hand the brilliant learning and the happy atmosphere everyone works hard to provide.


As a governing body, we work together to ensure that our school is always focused on providing the best possible start in education for all of our children. As a Church of England school, we also ensure that our children can grow and learn within a school community based on distinctly Christian values that welcomes pupils and parents of all faiths and none.


We are responsible for ensuring the school constantly works towards its vision, for providing strategic direction and financial oversight, and supporting and challenging school leaders in equal measure to ensure a focus on continuing success.


There is more information about the role and membership of the Governing Body on these pages, but if you have questions please contact the clerk to the governors in the first instance, via email or by telephoning the school office.


St Nicholas CE Infants' School Local Governing Body.


If you wish to contact the Governors, please email:





National Governors' Association


