
St Nicholas Church of England

Infants' School

Becoming The Best We Can Be

British Values

At St Nicholas CE Infants' School British Values are embedded within our whole-school vision of Becoming The Best We Can Be. 


In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.

The Key Values are:

·         democracy

·         rule of law

·         individual liberty

·         mutual respect

·         tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs


We want our children to become responsible, active citizens who participate in democracy and public life with respect for diversity and a commitment to working with the wider community. Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) is at the heart of our school which emphasises the difference between right and wrong and respecting and tolerating differences in a very diverse and modern Britain.


We have planned a curriculum that will enable children to make progress towards these aims. Through engaging lessons and appropriate activities/assemblies, we can give them all a better understanding of themselves and others in the community in which they live. We endeavour to influence behaviour, attendance and encourage further involvement and commitment to education.


We encourage parents to use the weekly Collective Worship themes and related questions to continue the conversations at home, and to explore the themes presented in further detail. These are shared via ClassDojo.

Examples of how British Values are developed at St Nicholas and beyond


Mutual Respect and Tolerance

  • School Rights
  • School Value
  • Equality plan updated regularly
  • Children working in all curriculum areas in different groupings
  • Monitoring of bullying and prejudiced incidents by type
  • Participation in community based activities i.e. Wallingford Carnival, Pancake Race
  • Books showing diversity
  • PSHE learning about diversity and respect
  • Anti-bullying week
  • Advent Kindness



  • Pupil Forum
  • Attitude to learning focus
  • Children contribute as a whole class towards class responsibilities
  • PSHE learning about exercising choice, the right to decide
  • Making choices by voting such as for books to share.
  • School value focus of Respect
  • Opportunities to contribute to the life of the school. e.g. classroom and library monitors
  • PE curriculum - team games as part of our RealPE provision


The Rule of Law

  • Our school rights are in place across the school
  • Visits from police and emergency services
  • Becoming the Best We Can Be celebrations
  • Peaceful Problem Solving
  • PSHE learning on managing feelings, setting goals, understanding the roles of others in the community, recognising the difference between right and wrong.


Individual Liberty

  • Attitude to learning focus
  • Classroom expectations
  • PSHE learning on developing a sense of responsibility, understanding rights, developing awareness of their own needs, views and feelingsand being sensitive to the needs, views and feelings of others.