
St Nicholas Church of England

Infants' School

Becoming The Best We Can Be


Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) at St Nicholas CE Infants' School enables pupils to develop positive attitudes and behaviours.  It supports pupils in making informed decisions and judgements, developing their own role within their community and within society.  PSHE encourages respect for others and others’ opinions and promotes a pupil’s own self-esteem.  It teaches about a healthy lifestyle, both physically and emotionally and children learn about keeping themselves safe.



Our teaching of Personal, Social and Health Education gives our children the skills and knowledge to become healthy, independent and responsible citizens.  As a school we use the core themes from the PSHE Association Scheme of Work which are – 'Health and Wellbeing', 'Relationships' and 'Living in the Wider World'. Our PSHE lessons also contribute to our delivery of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.



PSHE is taught in each class on a weekly basis.  In order to deliver the core themes, we use a bespoke scheme written with our school community in mind.  This is a whole school approach to PSHE using structured, progressive plans.  Each year group, work on the same termly and weekly topic at an age appropriate level.  Children may record their learning and photographic evidence is collected. These are collated in a whole class book to celebrate what the children have contributed and achieved. Vocabulary is key in delivery of PSHE and core texts support teaching across the year. Children learn about their place in the community and the world.  They discuss and celebrate how people are different to each other.  Children set goals and think about their aspirations.  Being and keeping healthy, both physically and mentally, are key elements that the children learn about and discuss.  Children learn about friendships and family relationships and also think about how they themselves change and develop over time.  We encourage the children to talk and to shares their ideas and experiences. 



We use a variety of ways to find out what the children know.  Teachers frequently question children throughout lessons to gauge learning and understanding, particularly at the beginning and end of a lesson.  Monitoring includes sharing of work and pupil forum with pupils.  These ensure curriculum coverage and show children’s attitude to learning and the quality of learning.   

A weekly update for parents/carers with a focus on our PSHE learning for the week.
